Thursday 17 January 2013

recipe : homemade pizza

I decided it would be a fun idea to make my own pizza. I know it's a little bit cheating to use a packet bread mix but at least I'm not buying a pre-made base :)
For 1 pizza you will need:
  • a quarter of a packet of bread mix
  • a quarter of the warm water listed on the packet for the bread (you should be able to put your finger in it without feeling a temperature difference)
  • a sauce or some soft cheese
  • whatever toppings you like
  • mozzerella for the top

So, you want to start off by making the bread. After reading the instructions on the packet, the general idea is mix in the water bit by bit until you form a dough. You then have to kneed the dough on a floured work surface for about 10 minutes, then pop it in a bowl, cover it with a damp tea towel and leave it in a warm place for about 30-40 minutes.

After it has been there for the allotted time it should have doubled in size, if it hasn't you just need to leave it a little longer. When it is big enough you have to stretch it out on a greased baking sheet and add your sauce, I used dolcelatte cheese. Finally add your toppings (cooked chicken and Brunswick ham in my case) and finish it off with mozzerella, I used fresh but you could use grated or sliced if you prefer.
Put your pizza in the oven (at about 180 degrees C) for 15-20 minutes until all the cheese is melted and the bread base is cooked.

Dish it up and enjoy. Leave me a comment if you give it a go and let me know how it went :)


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