Tuesday 20 November 2012

sample review : aveeno skin relief moisturising lotion

The next free sample review that I have tried out is the Aveeno body lotion. This product has a lot of natural ingredients and is designed for super sensitive and dry skin (something that my skin is not) so I can't tell you anything about how it works for skin that reacts to normal moisturisers. What I can tell you about, however, is the absorption and my general feelings on the product.
I don't think this lotion is particularly fast absorbing, maybe that's because my skin isn't very dry? I don't know the scientific ins and outs but in comparison to other moisturisers I have tried it leaves a lot to be desired. This product is also meant to be fragrance free. I think that this is supposed to mean that Aveeno haven't added any artificial fragrance to it, however due (I think) to the 'Triple Oat Complex' it has a sort of cereal-y smell which is increased when it is on the skin. I don't like the smell and find myself wishing that they had put something artificial in to mask the oatiness (this would defeat the whole natural thing
The sachet contained 10ml which I think was generous since I used it on both legs with a lot left over, but since I don't particularly like the product I am not going to use the rest. Available in boots at £4.77 for the 300ml bottle it is a good value product, but I'm not going to buy it. I think that because my skin is not sensitive or dry then my view on the lotion is not as useful if you do have dry skin. I have read other reviews that say how great this product is, I just don't think it's for me.
As always leave a comment, have you tried this lotion? tell me what you think about it :)


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