Wednesday 21 November 2012

recipe : homemade egg fried rice

This evening for dinner I thought I would make one of my favourite university cheap meals, egg fried rice. It's a very simple and, as I said already, cheap meal to make. All the ingredients you will need are: a clove of garlic, rice (about 50-100 grams per person), a handful or 2 of frozen peas, 1 egg, 3 or 4 spring onions, a bit of oil for frying and soy sauce and pepper for seasoning. As for the equipment you will need, a pan to boil your rice in, a large wok or frying pan, a choping board, a knife, a chopstick, a colander and a wooden spoon or some other such utensil.
First of all you want to cook the rice in a suitable size pan, if there are instructions on the packet follow them since I just cook things until I think it's done. While the rice is boiling you can prepare the other ingredients, the clove of garlic needs peeling and chopping up and then the spring onions need to be sliced as well. The peas need to be defrosted, this can be done by pouring warm water over them in the colander then the egg can be beaten with a little oil using the chopstick.
 Next when the rice is done, drain it off and rinse it to get rid of some of the starch. Leave it to cool down a bit and pour a little oil into your wok/large frying pan. When the oil is heated up a bit, pop the garlic into the pan and then the rice.  Stir it around and then add in the peas and spring onions and mix them in too.
 The peas and spring onions will only take a couple of minutes to cook through and when they have push all the rice mix to one side of the pan. Pour the beaten egg and oil into the space in the pan and swirl it around with the chopstick sort of like a miniature omlette. When the egg is all cooked and broken up mix it into the rice and vegetables and add soy sauce and pepper to taste.
That's it, easy peasy and delicious, even if I do say so myself :)

Leave me a comment if you give this one a try and let me know how it goes :)

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