Monday 19 November 2012

sample review : nivea express hydration primer

I'm starting off my freebie testing with the primer (seems logical right?), the first point I would like to make about this product is it smells really good. Fresh and clean, always a good smell for one's face. The sachet contains 1.5ml and I reckon I can get 2 uses out of it, maybe I just have a really small face. My skin feels soft and moisturised and in terms of being a primer, my foundation went on really smoothly after using this product. For 50ml at £3.99 in Superdrug the full sized product is really good value, and I will probably be buying this one later today.
As ever, leave me a comment if you have tried it and tell me what you think :)


  1. love a good sample freebie, I've actually never heard or seen this product before but it sounds worth a try for the price! I've tried a lot of primers and none of them do it for me so i'm always looking for a new one to try.

    Thanks for the reiview :)

    Tanesha x

    1. thank you so much for your comment, it's my first one ever and it really means a lot, I dont really know too much about primers but this one seems good so far :)
